Do you wonder what travel will be like in 2024?

The travel search site is giving us a peek into the future in a report released today called “the future of travel 2024.” The report predicts how we will plan, book, and experience travel in the future.

Travelers in the ‘20s will use wearable intelligent technology. A “Digital Travel Buddy” or “e-Agent” will accompany us at all times inside, say, a watch or piece of jewelry. The buddy will be connected to the web and know our personal preferences.

“It could have the face, voice and personality of our favorite actor or comedian and appear to us as a 3D hologram image, or inside a virtual environment, at our verbal command,” said Daniel Burrus, author of “Technotrends: How to Use Technology to Go Beyond Your Competition,” in the report.

We are seeing the beginning of this technology in Google Glass, a wearable computer that presents hands-free information. By the ‘20s, these wearable devices will shrink down and gain more capabilities—making the “Digital Travel Buddy” a reality.

Virtual reality headsets will allow us to experience potential destinations from the comfort of our homes. Want to sample Hawaii by taking a 3D stroll along a beautiful Hawaiian shore? No problem. You may even “feel” the sand between your toes with the aid of haptic technologies.

Read the full story here!

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