
Portland is an ever-changing city, and with it, Vaseline Alley, has gotten a new look over the past couple of years. BTW, no one really calls is Vaseline Alley anymore. The Eagle, Three Sisters, Panorama, and Club Portland have all closed. Scandals and Silverados have both moved. The most recent change was when the building that housed Boxxes/RedCap Garage changed owners. With this change, Aura (a straight bar) was closed along with RedCap. The Fish Grotto, a great seafood place also in the same building, will be expanding into the former dance floor of Boxxes. So the question on everyone’s mind is “What is happening to Boxxes?”  Like our favorite divas after a having a little facelift, will be ready for a comeback. This time around Boxxes will be reinvented as more of a cocktail lounge. New furniture has already been added. The bar will be moved and windows will be added to the street facing wall to allow for people watching. All of your favorite staff from RedCap is still currently employed at Boxxes so stop by for a drink and say hi.

SW Stark and 11th