Gay Seoul

Seoul, South Korea has emerged as an economic powerhouse within the last few decades. They have experienced explosive economic growth and are considered to be at the forefront of technological development. As a result, the population of Seoul has increased drastically within the last decade. Seoul boasts a population of over 10 million people and is considered to be the world’s second largest metropolitan area with upwards of 25 million people.
Gay Seoul is South Korea’s most gay-oriented city. There are many established gay owned bars and clubs in Seoul located on what is commonly known as “Homo Hill” which is in the Itaewon District. These gay venues are open until the wee morning hours (typically until 5am). If you are looking for somewhere to party then “Homo Hill” should be at the top of your list for places to go. On the weekends Homo Hill can definitely get rowdy so be sure that you don’t get lost and that you remember how to get back to your hotel room.
Seoul in itself is gorgeous, there are tons of things to do and many places to visit. Korea experiences hot/humid and rainy summers, harsh chill bearing winters, so if you are looking for good weather than the best time to go is in the spring or autumn which is in-between the two extremes.
There are many ways for a traveler to get around Gay Seoul. If you want a Big city type experience then head down under and take the subway. There are nine different numbered lines for subways in Korea, and best of all the signs are all in Korean and English! If you don’t want to take the subway then Seoul also offers an extensive public transport bus system. There are four different kinds of buses, yellow, green, blue, and red. Yellow busses will carry you into the tourist type areas, green buses travel around the neighborhoods and to the subways. The blue buses go across town while the red buses are designated for inner city travel.
Remember that the currency is different in South Korea as they use the “Won” as their main form of currency. The Won currency deals in high numbers, so a regular meal may end up costing you 50,000 Won.
When you arrive in Seoul you should never be without something to do for very long. If you simply step out onto the street and look both ways, you are sure to be able to find something to do. If you are into games then Seoul boasts some of the most prominent internet cafes in the world. They also have the world’s fastest broadband network. This is truly a place with many colors, experience it if you have a chance, we recommend it!

The Gay Scene in Seoul

View the Gay Scene in Seoul

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